The secondary comprehensive school” Anton Popov “is situated in Petrich -a town in the south-west part of Bulgaria. It is very near the Greek and Macedonian border. The school has about 300 students, aged 7-16 years old and 29 teachers. There are some children-mentally and physically disabled, as well as of Romany origin and also children with discipline and social problems. Teachers are doing their best to integrate and socialize them. The school is a contemporary model of respect and tolerance, because of different students, who study here. We take great care of them with a lot of attention and love. Through the good quality of education, everyone in our school has access to the educational system and openness to the world. We encourage the creative and educational growth of our students and we work devotedly. The school has good experience in folk dances and sports, including swimming groups. But one of the main aims of our teachers is students to enter university. An evaluation of the quality of our work is the successful realization of the big part of students in the system of higher education. We think, that this project will be interesting to our children and their parents too because they will have the chance to share their culture and traditions. Students will get an awareness of the best human values. They will better their linguistic competence and will find out new friendships and partnerships, which will be kept up in the future. Students will feel like real citizens of one United Europe.